

英 [en'dɒgəməs]
美 [en'dɒgəməs]


  • adj.


  • 英英释义

    endogamous[ en'dɔɡəməs ]

    • adj.
      • characterized by or fit for fertilization by pollen from another flower of the same kind


      • pertaining to or characterized by the custom of marrying only within the limits of a clan or tribe




    Parental transmission of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a highly endogamous population
    A genome-based study of consanguinity in three co-resident endogamous Pakistan communities
    The forensic DNA implications of genetic differentiation between endogamous communities
    How Many Different Kinds of Meiotic Abnormalities Could Be Found in a Unique Endogamous Maize Plant?
    Allele frequencies for STR loci of the Powerplex 16 multiplex system in five endogamous populations of India
    MTHFR C677T and factor V Leiden in recurrent pregnancy loss: a study among an endogamous group in North India.
    Consanguineous marriages and their effects on common adult diseases: studies from an endogamous population.
    Gender and age-related differences in patients with the metabolic syndrome in a highly endogamous population.
    Genotype profile for thirteen tetranucleotide repeat loci and two pentanucleotide repeat loci in four endogamous Tamil population gr...
    A validation study of type 2 diabetes-related variants of the TCF7L2, HHEX, KCNJ11, and ADIPOQ genes in one endogamous ethnic group ...